Friday, March 4, 2011

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Findhorn and the nature spirits

"A radiant energy gives birth to all life in which it spreads.
If this energy is revealed to us through the plants, nature spirits or human beings, all these aspects of life on the planet are just a reflection of a deeper reality hidden in them.
In the gardens of Findhorn, the myth has become reality, we offer a renewed vision of life, a vision of unity. The spirits of nature are fundamentally aspects of ourselves. They guide us toward our true identity, divine reality in us. The history of gardens is the celebration of this divine life in its myriad appearances.
May the joy we feel when we participate in this celebration, root our commitment to reveal and manifest the fullness of our beauty and that all life around us. "
The Findhorn community , The gardens of Findhorn

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[RP Guild: The Goblins Corp..]

Server: Sentinels
Faction: Horde

A new rp guild has just opened its doors. It is intended solely Goblin except for a few slaves' exception. It is a for-profit organization based on a business 'fair, unilateral and / or subliminal' whose primary purpose is to take financial control of the cartel Baille-Fonds.

humor already very apparent on their website suggests a certain maturity and a pleasant and relaxed.

to Post on the official forum:
Contact in Game: Patatrak

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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[Event Standing: The Refuge of the Titans]

United Sentinels Horde Faction
even if the Alliance can take a turn.

The inn traveler opened last few weeks. It is run by the amiable Sir Kelhanor Refuge Titans and opens every Sunday evening between 1:30 and 22heures Silvermoon at the inn near the bazaar.

Contacts: Kelhanor, Lufius Lancelot

Need Role: Server, security guard ... to help run this place.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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The Battle of Gilneas.

After the Barrens is the turn of the front Gilneas know the blaze, Worship on the Rive Noire.

Entire armies of players are given an appointment near the Wall Gristête to do battle this Sunday, March 6 from 17 hours.

Following in the evening, the War Council will be based Forsaken, the Undercity, bringing together the irregular fighters of the Horde mobilized on the fronts of northern Lordaeron continent.

More information here and there.

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Tournament Summits.

The fifth edition of this tournament will be held on Worship, Aranarth informs us of the Brotherhood of the Blade. It will be held at the Tournament Silver Saturday, March 12 from 21 hours and offer tests to be launched at the blade, in keeping with the tradition.

Role Play, atmosphere, enthusiastic and intrigue set schedules. Feel free to subscribe to Aranarth and try to get your turn in the caption of this prestigious tournament.

More information here .