Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Black Ringworm Scars Pic
Hello and good at all Winter Veil!
We are actively looking for writers to participate in blog about the experience of the different kingdoms (all factions together):
- The Scryers
- Shadow Council
- Scarlet
If you are interested, please respond to us at the forum comments, or Contact one of us in game if you have any questions.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Cheaters, Korean Movie
It's been over a month they have been prepared and formally presented by gamers Scryers, can sometimes be controversial but ultimately going in a direction that many agree, I am talking about Postulates Community roleplayer.
What are these truly "assumptions"? Prior
debated as to have given all participants, the assumptions are just a list of points, as important as each other, advocating within the Community roleplayer some stability and cohesion. Compliance with these points provides a kind of more sustainable development of the Community and therefore a broader expansion of RPGs.
Postulates define a gamer's attitude against their community: what are the reactions to take in sometimes challenging circumstances, what behaviors to avoid, how should we consider other roleplayers and the situation of RPGs in general. It does not require there a way to practice the RPG but to propose a way to behave in Community, primarily defending creativity and mutual respect.
No obligation emerges from these assumptions (which can also be modified if necessary) that you can help by agreeing to follow them, to improve mood and functioning of the Community, and therefore indirectly to the proliferation of RPGs.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Lady Doctor Med Vidios
On the server Thorium Brotherhood, Miellyn offers an immersive evening where all gamers are invited to reroll Goblin: Operation Goblin way of life " to conquer the dream goblin!
Rendezvous Friday, December 10 from 18h to Island Kezan with your level 1 goblin to discover together and role play as the opening quests and culture of our new friends the small greens.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
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Wolf are you there?
It will be heard in any case on 7 December in the output of the expected extension of Cataclysm.
is on the server of the Thorium Brotherhood, a pack of wolves has taken up residence as the site for a new guild rp reserved Worgen (except some humans): The Pack Sombrecrin .
Led by the alpha pair of wolves Benneth and Rufina, the guild will offer the discovery of race and lands in which the Worgen evolve. Immersion in the conflict between them will also face the damned formatting.
Until its official opening in play scheduled for this December 7, the guild is already home to the future fans via their forum.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Rugby Shoulder Protection
That young lost souls by recent events cataclystiques reassure themselves they are not forgotten! The Scryers
hold again, each side of the war, an introduction to today's world, for newly promoted young heroes by their class teacher.
The opportunity is too good to party and have explained the latest changes through Azeroth.
See you on Monday, December 6 at 21:30 in Stormwind for the Alliance or Sabot-de-Sang for the Horde to celebrate the feast of the seventh young fighters !
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Steam Washer Is It Worth It
Once is not custom, not an event or a new guild that I offers on the blog but a podcast! Indeed, the father Bugli, the Kingdom of Sentinels owned company of retaliation, offers on its website, a monthly podcast (roughly in the frequency distribution of episodes), a fifteen minute nicely orchestrated and really funny telling us very vividly some of the history of Azeroth, I could only subscribe to this and to share this audio delight. Here is the link http://www.pere-bugli.com/ , good listening to all ... a case to be continued ...
Women Masterbate On Bus
Rälkezad, Cult of the Black Bank Announces next Foundation of the Knights of Acherus, an Order (and therefore not a guild) Inter-and Inter-Faction Guild will host the RPG Knights of Death after the fall of the Lich King.
They claim the protection of "Northern Land" and try to impose "peace of Acherus", whatever that is. Pre-registrations suggest that this Order will have some impact in terms of PvP and RPG on the UK.
Foundation provided this Sunday, November 21, 2010, to 21heures. The event will be public and give rise to a number of symbolic actions throughout the United Worship.
To learn more, their forum is here .
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Gas Bloating Food Poisoning
The illustrious King Varian to Stormwind invited the good souls of the Thorium Brotherhood to take the measure of enlightened discourse wacky recently identified in his city. He is seeking volunteers to form a citizen militia , this Monday, October 8 to 21h before the dungeon, to patrol the streets and prevent the poor lost souls to be seduced by the rhetoric of followers, and to find a solution through dialogue with their manisfestations.
Whether one supports the militia, or followers, or even that you are fully neutral meeting place is made for an evening providing some excitement.
Friday, October 29, 2010
What Is Story Of Mysore Mallige

Brill The evenings are now punctuated by the thrusts of duelists of the Horde! Serkan, chu former paladin of the Silver Dawn, organizes every night at 19h in the cemetery in Brill (the fountain) a tournament duels between brothers and sisters of the Horde.
5 gold you will be asked to participate. The lucky winner will walk away with the jackpot awarded by the Mayor!
The challenge may then proceed to the tavern over a good pint served by the innkeeper Ga'ark ... But that's another story! ;)
Server: Thorium Brotherhood
Faction: Horde
Contact: Serkan (or Gaark or Targ)
Event Type: RP-PVP (level 80 recommended)
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Tomorrow Saturday, October 30th at 20h will be held in the county remote and devastated Darrow a black market collecting a good number of merchants also doubtful that their goods. Whatever your identity, your money will your worth.
Dwellers Scryers, you're invited to the first event in a long series that will prepare the arrival extension . You'll be likely to alter the course of the scenario. Do not miss not at this first meeting!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Pokemon Emerald Fast Forward
Of Worship Shore Black, the guild Hyfril artifact offers a Machiavellian plan to celebrate Hallow's End!
Friday, October 29, 2010, at 20:30 in Dalaran, the pumpkins are out!
plan in detail here: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=15042105265
EDIT: multi-server event organized by the GO Team
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Cricket Equipments Chart
In the Kingdom of the Scryers, the old political tensions are asleep and convent under the fire of rage interracial. The Plaguelands have not finished to be scarified. This intersection is currently in the field of a black market between hostile races, and this is not to taste the various factions that would compete for paternity. Besides the alliance and horde in peace fragile for the good of the fight against a third enemy, the Scarlet Crusade raises his head and dawn silver and Cenarion Circle monitors this delicate balance.
Tensions in the fighting there is only one step, sometimes followed by émeuttes. Will you
of those who take up arms? those who negotiate the return of calm? or you'll get to play your game more complete your award?
Now is the time you decide!
all this presage a disaster ... before a larger disaster.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Install Instructions Weathertron Baystat239a
the occasion of the formation of the troupe fate of flames, the entertainers of this new guild to offer all the alliance to participate in the festival they organize to celebrate its founding in Kirin Tor .
This festival is intended both to inform the troops, as finding new talent, but the wish of their 3 main leaders and build friendships and give joy during an unforgettable evening.
twirling tone of the festival will contrast beautifully with the slightly austere setting of the Abbey County North where the fate of the flames will install all its equipment to accommodate their guests in an atmosphere more bubbly disco.
Sparkling? Indeed, while the beer keeps flowing, Nao DJ will spin the disco ball and tweak the projos. The gogo dancers all dressed waving mini lasciviously in front of delighted guests.
Shaidowu blocker Gerrenous beast impress and dazzle the flame juggler assembly Aurélie while conjuring the surprise. A fireworks display will light up the night calm of the north county and actors will share jokes before the amused glances. In short a performance artist as only mobile, full of enthusiasm and optimism can be implemented to the amazement of their audience.
The festival will be further enhanced by the exquisite dishes of the chef who will leave a little local restaurant "The Kaldorei delight" to be the caterer for the evening.
Many guests are expected, many have already confirmed their presence, as some members of "GnomeINC", "The Embassy of light" or the highly explosive Dithilde, head of biker Crazy wheels.
Aurelius, the organizer suggested that all those wishing to party to follow their example, even if the surprise guests will be greeted with much pleasure.
Server: Kirin Tor
Faction: Alliance Guild
organizer: The fate of flames
Contact: Aurélie
Date: Saturday, October 16th between 18h and 23h
Location: Abbey County North Elwynn.
There are a few roles to take, so if you wish to participate in the excitement of this festival, please contact Aurélie for knowledge (or suggest) that you might do in the evening.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Hair Lotion For Hair Fall
Something strange is lurking in the countries of the world Horde Scryers . Past
first unnoticed for many months, increasing its Appétit forced him to take more risk and therefore leave many more traces and testimonies.
The hunt is on! attractive and rewarding ... But beware! The Beast is abnormally cunning and more acidic than dissolving the goblin. Introduce yourself to
Kiviarel, inform you and prepare yourself properly, because some do not return ....
Saturday, September 18, 2010
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010
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