Anandamoyi or it comes to happiness ... realization and completeness ... Happy Birthday Jacqueline Anandamoyi
{Ma Ananda Mayi is a very great saint of India who lived until the 1980s. She was totally liberated. Arnaud Desjardins will remain with her for a long time. Ma means mother, Ananda Bliss and Moyi "made", so it made the Mother of Bliss. It was free when she was born, and never had the feeling of ego. Without education, however, she knew by his omniscience, all sacred texts without having studied and spoke perfect. Good meditation Tzidaos}
Ma Ananda Mayi: Suffering from a limitation is a manifestation of the Unlimited. Your limits are an opportunity for a reversal that points you to what you originally.
Paths are innumerable ... When it comes to infinity, the variety of approaches is also infinite, and the revelations on these trails are endless.
For each, the path is different. Where you are starting a journey. For there is none other than Him and wherever one turns.
People searching for Truth prefer forward without a master. Their line of approach it so. the Supreme Being is revealed in the intensity of their commitment ... He finds a way to intervene without any outside instruction is necessary ... Why is it impossible? The veil of ignorance just waiting to fall apart.
God gives his instructions in every way. We can learn from trees, animals. The guru is everywhere.
There is no end to what you want to know. Rather than ask about this, posezvous the question: "How do I open my eyes?"
The ineffable Truth is experienced in two ways: by the Silence of Self-in-all-light or by the ceaseless play of Him who plays all the roles.
At sea, those who want to swim faster than others inevitably look behind them.
Those whose goal is the sea itself, nothing concern: what should be is.
Indulge in the waves, let yourself be carried away by currents.
by alternating possession and detachment. Gradually, by accepting and away the pleasure, desire loses its grip. Do you not satisfied
joys fragmentary and it is fatally undermined.
Be complete ... Be Yourself.
God gives his grace in two ways: by promoting and disadvantage.
If the Beloved is the Self, He too was defeated, and everything unravels. Diseases are beings like you. I do not return when you come to me. Why would I do with them an exception? It's also his game
Everything passes. Death happens, death dies.
Nothing should be forced. Just promote a good climate and family develop spontaneously. The most succulent fruit that is left to ripen slowly on the vine. Untie
what you can. The rest of untie himself.
There is nothing to renounce anything. Instead, find the impetus to go through life. After all his impulses restricted, human beings must find the Grand Elk.
Spend as much time as you can in the open air ... contemplate mountains and oceans.
Look at least the sky as soon as you can and your barriers are relaxed. They leave you free. A conscious awareness flourishes only in a free body, free spirit.
Supreme Knowledge does not come "means" of anything. The Supreme Knowledge reveals itself. But to break the "veil", some practices are appropriate. Is
seen, really seen, which once saw removes any desire to see more. Is heard, really heard, which once heard removes any desire to hear more.
The full enjoyment of life comes only in a spirit of absolute detachment. You will be filled to the measure of your cancellation.
Whenever you undertake something, give you heart and soul. Nothing should be done without care and attention. Make
increasingly share a desire to grow ... the enjoyment of the Real! The wishes of most ordinary pleasures themselves disappear. Indulge if you go again, this is in any case in a spirit of detachment.
You are tossed from a desire to another. Your life oscillates in the state of "nature desires." Go away to your true nature.
To play a role, it must be self-forgetful.
Whether one takes the path of love where the "I" is lost in the "You", or the path of introspection in search of truth "I," only he is found, in the "You" in the "I".
First, it is seen in people, things, and then we no longer see him in anything, because he alone is: trees, flowers, water, earth, everything is the Beloved.
Try to consider each person as yourself. You will come to regard every event in the world as a part of you.
There is no revelation, no secret. Which proposes is always present.
When you say: "Someone has to go away," we must not forget that in a sense one is left. Absent any back and forth, each existence is always present.
We try to meditate on "fact" of meditation, but the day comes from meditation itself, it "is", what other world!
Creation, maintenance and destruction are one and the same event.
Being both finite and infinite, there is great diving.
All forms, I admit to mine, forever, so, I exist, I'm all shapes, all manner of appearance, for Ways of infinite diversity, they live in me, and I live in them.
I am the universe to the smallest dust, less insect.
Everything in the world, trees, plants, insects, reptiles, other forms of life, birth is your birth, their death is your death. Everything is you, you're everything. Excerpts from Life
involved, texts Anandamoyi (Ed. Accarias - 1995)